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Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul (R-TX) and House Armed Services Committee Lead Republican Mike Rogers (R-AL) released the following statement on the Biden administration’s decision to revoke waivers, thereby allowing sanctions to move forward on the Kremlin-controlled Nord Stream 2 AG, the company in charge of building and operating Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Last May, the Biden administration waived sanctions on Nord Stream 2 AG, its chief executive, Matthias Warnig, and its corporate officers.

“We strongly objected to President Biden’s decision last May to waive congressionally mandated sanctions on the Russian malign influence Nord Stream 2 project. Today’s announcement, while long overdue, reflects years of bipartisan efforts and is a step in the right direction. We simply could not allow Putin to use another energy pipeline as a weapon to coerce Europe and the United States. We call on our allies to take similar action and immediately sanction Nord Stream 2 AG and Putin crony CEO Matthias Warnig. We also call on all companies associated with Putin’s pipeline to commit to preventing gas from ever flowing through it. Finally, the administration must support all options allowing for American production of energy including oil and natural gas – energy independence is economic and national security.”  
