McCaul Joins Bipartisan Group from House and Senate to Urge Admin to Enact Repercussions for CCP’s “Horrific Crimes” Against Uyghur Population
Washington, D.C. – Last week, House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican and China Task Force Chairman Michael McCaul joined a group of bipartisan and bicameral Members of Congress to send a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urging the Administration to take serious action against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for its campaign to stem the birthrate of the ethnic Uyghur population through forced sterilization, abortions, and IUDs. Below is a statement from Rep. McCaul.
“The shocking reports of forced sterilization, forced abortions other coercive measures against Uyghur Muslims in China further highlight the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),” said Lead Republican Michael McCaul. “I join my colleagues from both sides of the aisle in a show of bipartisan unity on the need for the United States and countries around the world to take bold and significant action against members of the CCP who are responsible for or complicit in these horrific crimes. We have a moral duty to speak out against these horrifying crimes against the Uyghur people and hold those responsible accountable for their despicable actions.”