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Washington D.C. – Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Lead Republican of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement on multiple reports that the Chinese Communist Party is selling faulty medical equipment to the countries hardest hit by coronavirus.

“While the Chinese Communist Party is desperately attempting to shift the blame by casting itself as a protector of global health, the truth is now emerging behind the propaganda they push. Most of these so-called ‘gifts’ of equipment are actually being paid for – they aren’t gifts. And now there are reports that some of the equipment the CCP is selling to the countries hardest hit by coronavirus, including in Spain and the Czech Republic, is faulty. In China’s time of need, the world donated tons of functioning medical equipment to their country. Yet, after the CCP allowed this virus to spread within its own borders and throughout the world, they are now exacerbating a health crisis they created by charging needy countries for faulty medical equipment. It’s shameful.”
