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Washington, D.C.- Yesterday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy appointed House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul to serve on the Conference Committee for the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Conference Committee is made up of bipartisan leaders in the House and the Senate and will work to resolve the differences in the bills each Chamber has passed.

“I am honored to be named a conferee for the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). As Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, it is my top priority to promote national security and keep America safe from growing threats around the globe. From China to Russia and beyond, we continue to see aggression and escalating tension from our foreign nation adversaries. Now more than ever, I am committed to confronting these issues head on.”

Chairman McCaul’s priorities in the NDAA include:

  • Supporting investigation and accountability for the Biden Administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal
  • Disrupting international fentanyl trafficking and countering Mexican cartels
  • Ensuring U.S. defense assistance to Ukraine is accountable and effective
  • Working with allies and partners to deter aggression by China
  • Restricting U.S. capital to China
  • Maintaining robust defense cooperation with Israel
  • Ensuring U.S. defense production and sales are sufficient to help equip U.S. allies and partners defend against 21st Century threats
