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New York, NY – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul joined Maria Bartiromo on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” today to discuss the Biden administration’s weak China policy and Putin’s unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine. 




On the War in Ukraine: 
“Now [Putin’s] viewed as weak, even Chairman Xi now, is looking at Putin, his closest ally, thinking my God, is this my ally who’s been weakened, as he assesses a potential invasion in Taiwan.”
On Blinken’s trip to China: 
“This is not the way the former administration, Secretary Pompeo, would have done this, certainly. That that’s not the way you negotiate. And, you know, as we look at the spy station in Cuba, that we think Huawei and ZTE are involved in this, for God sakes, we shouldn’t be letting licenses from the United States go to Huawei and ZTE.”
On China’s Belt and Road Initiative:
“The [WTO] charter says that China is a developing nation what does that mean? Then they qualify for interest-free loans or low-interest loans from the World Bank. So in other words, the World Bank is funding their Belt and Road Initiative, their projects, in 151 countries across the world to do infrastructure projects.
“When they get them in the debt trap they take the money, charge you usurious interest rates to the developing nation, and then get them in a debt trap, bring their own workers in, rape their rare earth minerals from the country, and by the way, China controls 85 percent now, of the rare earth minerals globally. And then once they go into default, guess who bails them out? The IMF.”

