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Washington, D.C. — House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul (R-TX) released the following statement today after the House voted to pass the Global Food Security Reauthorization Act of 2022 (H.R. 8446), bipartisan legislation McCaul cosponsored with Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Gregory W. Meeks (D-NY) and Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN).

“Globally, 50 million people across 45 countries are on the brink of famine,” said Lead Republican McCaul. “In Somalia, we are days away from an official famine declaration, and over 300,000 children are facing emergency starvation there as we speak. Yet, amidst this global crisis, we cannot lose focus on longer term investments in food security and agricultural-led economic growth. Ultimately, this bill builds the capacities of families and communities to provide for themselves. I hope the Senate quickly advances this legislation and I want to thank Senator Risch and Senator Casey for their leadership. Now is not the time to risk allowing key authorities to expire.”

“We cannot ignore what is the largest food crisis in modern history,” said Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ). “Our bill will help the weakest and most vulnerable who are dying or at great risk of death, by promoting food security, resilience and nutrition in developing nations consistent with U.S. national security interests. It will also help maximize the use of U.S. taxpayer dollars and insulate countries against instability attributable to food insecurity while greatly improving lives around the world.”

“The House passage of the Global Food Security Reauthorization Act could not be more timely,” Chairman Meeks said. “With Russia’s war on Ukraine exacerbating the global food security crisis, already worsened by COVID-19 caused supply-chain disruptions, the United States must redouble its efforts to combat global hunger. This legislation will reauthorize our flagship initiative promoting food security for another five years, helping community’s cultivate sustainable and resilient food systems to drive economic growth.”

The Global Food Security Act empowers smallholder farmers – especially women – with the tools needed to be more successful in producing food and earning income, increasing economic opportunities and alleviating poverty through strategic investments in the U.S. Government’s Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative,” said Rep. McCollum. “I was proud to introduce this bipartisan legislation to fight food insecurity around the world, especially as Russia’s war on Ukraine has exacerbated the global food crisis. I’m glad to see this bill pass the House, and I’ll keep working to ensure it is signed into the law as soon as possible.”


The text of H.R. 8446 can be found here.
