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Washington, D.C. – Last week, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul gave the following remarks at a Member Day hearing, which gave all House members an opportunity to present bills that fall under the jurisdiction of the committee. The following members offered up legislation during the hearing:

Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX): H.R.4175, the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity (REPO) for Ukrainians Act, and a bill not yet introduced that would tax any earnings from Russian assets in the U.S. as a “war crimes tax.”

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz (D-FL): H.R. 4086, the AFFECT Human Rights in Venezuela Act, which is intended to support Independent International fact-finding mission in Venezuela until the end of a the Venezuelan crisis. Rep. Wasserman Shultz also offered H.R. 5670, the Venezuelans Overcoming Interference and Corruption in Elections (VOICE) Act, which would require actions to help Venezuela conduct free, fair, and transparent elections.

Rep. Ed Case (D-HI): H.R. 4538, the Boosting Long-Term U.S. Engagement (BLUE) in the Pacific Act, which would establish a long-term strategic policy for the Pacific Islands.

Rep. James Moylan (R-GU): H.Res.83, which would reaffirm ties between the United States and the Philippines.


Watch here.


– Remarks as Delivered –

During the first session of each Congress, the House Foreign Affairs Committee holds a member day to provide our colleagues an opportunity to present their legislative ideas on matters under this committee’s jurisdiction.

I don’t have to tell anybody in this room that the world is on fire.

We have witnessed Russia’s war of aggression – the largest land invasion in Europe since World War II – reminiscent of Poland in 1939.

Increasing, rising tensions in the Indo-Pacific with the intensified hostilities and aggression from the CCP, as well as a full-scale war in the Middle East that threatens to destabilize the entire region.

Not since my father’s war, have we seen such a rise of malign nation states seeking to upend the global balance of power.

This committee deals with issues of war and peace. Diplomacy should always be the first recourse, but, as history has taught us, what’s past is prologue, and weakness only invites aggression.

This committee has also held a long tradition of bipartisanship.

As former Chairman Engel often stated, when it comes to foreign policy, partisanship stops at the water’s edge.

I am honored to work with my good friend Ranking Member Meeks, and today Ms. Manning, to advance this bipartisan policy agenda that not only protects our national security interests, but those of our allies across the globe.

So, I want to thank the members for being here to testify today on your respective bills.

