Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, announced that on Thursday, May 14 he will convene a hearing to examine U.S. economic engagement in Asia.  The hearing, entitled “Advancing U.S. Economic Interests in Asia,” will begin at 10 a.m.

Chairman Royce said:  “The United States-led system of open global markets has dramatically increased our nation’s prosperity.  It has also lifted more than a billion people out of extreme poverty in the past 20 years alone, greatly serving our economic, political and humanitarian interests.  The benefits of liberalized trade can’t be taken for granted, though.   We’ve reached a decision point.  A strong Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, now being negotiated, would keep us from handing over the steering wheel of world trade.  The U.S. is pushing an agreement with Pacific Rim countries with high standards for intellectual property and the rule of law to protect U.S. businesses.  Beijing is pushing a different model.”

Hearing:   Advancing U.S. Economic Interests in Asia

10:00 a.m. ET on Thursday, May 14

2172 Rayburn House Office Building

The Honorable Daniel R. Russel
Assistant Secretary
Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
U.S. Department of State

The Honorable Charles H. Rivkin
Assistant Secretary
Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
U.S. Department of State
