Washington, D.C. – Earlier today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, along with Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ), Chairman of the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, traveled to Tecate, Mexico where they visited with U.S. Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi, in order to check on his condition.  Sgt. Tahmooressi is currently being held in El Hongo II prison in Tecate, Mexico following his arrest in March. 

A photo of Royce and Salmon meeting with Sgt. Tahmooressi is available via Twitter HERE.

Following the visit with Sgt. Tahmooressi today, Royce and Salmon issued the following statements. 

Chairman Royce said:  “The Committee has been following Sgt. Tahmooressi’s case quite closely.   I found him to be in good spirits, but this visit confirmed my belief that Sgt. Tahmooressi, after serving two honorable tours in Afghanistan and now suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, needs to come home.  While I remain respectful of Mexico’s laws, today after I thanked him for his dedicated service, I assured Sgt. Tahmooressi that I will continue working to secure his release so that he can begin needed treatment for his PTSD.”

Chairman Salmon said:  “After visiting with Sergeant Tahmooressi for the second time in two weeks, I remain confident that his situation is improving and will end with his release in the near future. His spirits remain upbeat and he has full confidence in his new attorney. I once again expressed my heartfelt gratitude to Sgt. Tahmooressi for his military service, and relayed to him the overwhelming support he is receiving from millions across America. It remains a top priority that Sgt. Tahmooressi return to the U.S. to receive treatment for the PTSD he suffered while serving in Afghanistan. I ensured him that I will continue to do everything in my power to make sure his case is heard quickly and fairly.”

Note:  Earlier this month, Chairman Royce wrote a letter to Mexico’s Foreign Secretary, Dr. Jose Antonio Meade Kuribeña, expressing his serious concern about Sgt. Tahmooressi’s arrest and detention and urging a quick resolution.  Chairman Royce’s letter is available HERE

On May 31, Chairman Salmon first visited Sgt. Tahmooressi in prison.  Information on that visit is available HERE.
