Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement on the upcoming Cambodia elections to be held on July 28:

“Under the leadership of Hun Sen’s Cambodian People’s Party, human rights have deteriorated dramatically in Cambodia.  Critics of the regime are barred from broadcast media.  The government ignores the illegal confiscation of land. Most egregious is the government’s involvement in the trafficking of women and children; both the police and the government are complicit in protecting and supporting networks that engage in this modern-day slavery. 

“Previous elections have been characterized by repression and violence.  While the lead-up to this year’s election has seen less violence, the election process has been fundamentally flawed, according to human rights groups.     

“Those who continue to speak out for basic human rights in Cambodia have been killed, arrested or exiled.  The Cambodian people deserve better.  It is my hope that their voices are finally heard so the country can begin its path to democracy.” 

