Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued this statement welcoming the Senate’s advancement of the “Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015”:

“Iran’s march to nuclear weapons is a mortal threat.  It is increasingly clear that the ‘framework’ agreement the Administration struck to tackle the Iran nuclear threat falls short in many areas.  At a recent hearing, the Committee heard serious concerns about our ability to verify Iran’s commitments under this agreement.  The rapid speed at which Tehran will receive sanctions relief and resources to bolster its terror campaign and missile program is another major concern.  These are just two of the troubling issues that have to be far better addressed for a final agreement with Iran to be viable and supportable. 

“Senator Corker’s legislation rightly positions Congress to judge and render a verdict on any final nuclear agreement the Administration strikes with Tehran.  It also should strengthen the Administration’s hand at the negotiating table.  The House should pass this legislation, and the Administration should put its added leverage to use.  The Committee will continue monitoring these negotiations and the growing Iranian threat to our allies and nation.” 
