Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) issued the following statement on the administration’s national security strategy:

“Over the past 12 months, the U.S. has notched important wins in the fight against ISIS, moved swiftly to cut off cash to North Korea’s nuclear program, and led in confronting the full range of threats posed by Iran. Of course, there is much still to be done. Stronger diplomacy and sustained pressure is needed to change North Korea and Iran’s behavior. A revitalized U.S. broadcasting system is critical to countering the spread of terror, promoting human rights and checking Putin’s aggression. And we need more trade agreements that advance U.S. interests and ensure a level playing field for our job creators. Because the world does not stand still if we close off our borders to trade. Other countries – like China – will take advantage, leaving the U.S. out of important markets for our goods, services and agriculture.”
