Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) released the following statement today after speaking with Dr. Riyad Hijab, the General Coordinator of the High Negotiations Committee for the Syrian opposition, about the worsening situation in Aleppo:

“Russia has been allowed to provide cover and support to the Assad regime for entirely too long.  Wednesday night’s deliberate bombing of a hospital is just the latest in a series of disgraceful Russian and Syrian attacks on innocent civilians.  More than 40,000 people have fled Aleppo this week as Russian jets have carried out scores of airstrikes and desperately needed humanitarian aid remains out of reach. 

“The United Nations Security Council must act.  Resolutions calling for a ceasefire – which Russia voted for – must be enforced.  Food, water and medicine must get to those in need.  And those committing war crimes must be held accountable.  If Russia wants to try to block these efforts, so be it.  But it should be forced to do so through its U.N. veto.  No more hiding behind threats and empty promises.”
