Secretary Kerry to Testify at Hearing on Sept. 18

***New Date and Time***

***See important planning note/RSVP requirement for media***

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has scheduled a hearing for Thursday, September 18 to question Secretary of State John Kerry about the President’s recently announced strategy on ISIS.  (The hearing was originally scheduled for September 16.)      
The hearing, entitled “The ISIS Threat:  Weighing the Obama Administration’s Response,” will begin at 11:30 am.
Chairman Royce said:  “This terrorist group – born of al-Qaeda but more sophisticated – presents a grave threat to the United States and our allies.  While it’s hard to understand how anyone is attracted to its barbaric ideology, some are, including Americans, raising the threat.  Having beheaded two Americans, this vicious group needs to be rooted out, both in Iraq and Syria.  It is right to target ISIS from the air, while local Arab and Kurdish forces are trained and armed to battle on the ground, but Syria can’t be a sanctuary from U.S. and allied air strikes.  Air strikes and local training and equipping are the right tools, as U.S. infantry shouldn’t be sent into this fight.  The President’s speech was a start and this hearing will allow the Committee to assess if the Administration, after much delay and denial, is prepared for the sustained commitment needed to destroy ISIS by building a powerful coalition against these brutal jihadists.”  
Hearing:  The ISIS Threat:  Weighing the Obama Administration’s Response
11:30 am on Thursday, September 18
(was originally scheduled for September 16)
2172 Rayburn House Office Building
The Honorable John F. Kerry
Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State

***Important planning note/RSVP requirement for media***

The hearing will be webcast at
The hearing room will likely not be able to accommodate all members of the media wishing to cover the hearing from the press viewing area.
Only Congressionally credentialed members of the media will be allowed access to the press viewing area in the committee hearing room and must RSVP to their respective Press Gallery by 5pm on Wednesday, September 17.
All television crews must RSVP to the House Radio TV Gallery at 202-225-5214.
Gallery contact information:
House Radio/TV Gallery:  202-225-5214
House Periodical Gallery:  202-225-2941
House Daily Press Gallery:  202-225-3945  
Photographer Gallery:  202-224-6548
***See for updates.
