Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, applauded House passage of the Syria “train and equip” amendment offered by House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard “Buck” McKeon to the Continuing Resolution.

Tomorrow at 11:30, Chairman Royce will convene a hearing entitled “The ISIS Threat:  Weighing the Obama Administration’s Response,” at which Secretary of State John Kerry will testify.

Upon passage, Chairman Royce said:  “We face a great and growing threat from ISIL.  Never has a terrorist organization controlled so much territory, cash, or weapons.  This measure gives the Syrian opposition what they desperately need – training and equipment – as they continue to risk their lives to combat ISIL terrorists as well as the Assad regime.  With greater U.S. training and supplies, they’ll be bolstered.  And as an ultimate boost, this force would be supported by U.S. and coalition airpower, without a combat role for U.S. ground forces.  This training and equipment would put strong backing into a fighting force – which will be needed to confront and defeat ISIL. If we do not act, the threat will continue to grow.”
