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Washington, D.C. – Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul praised the passage of today’s appropriations package in the House, which continued funding for national security agencies. Chairman McCaul also praised Congress’ support of important measures, such as Special Immigrant Visas (SIV) granted to our Afghan allies abandoned during the Biden administration’s disastrous 2021 withdrawal. Chairman McCaul also called for renewed congressional efforts to support our allies overseas and replenish American reserves. 

“America’s adversaries are getting bolder and more aggressive every day, and the United States must project strength to reassure our partners and affirm our role as a global leader. I’m pleased the House passed critical funding for the State Department, Defense Department, and other national security related agencies. We must now quickly turn our focus to passing a supplemental package to strengthen U.S. military capabilities by refilling our weapons stocks, and to supply U.S. allies and partners with the weapons they need. Time is of the essence.”

On PEPFAR: “The reauthorization of PEPFAR in this appropriations package is a significant step in combatting HIV/AIDS around the world and promoting America’s role as a force for good around the world. Already, PEPFAR has saved more than 25 million lives. More work remains to eradicate this deadly disease, but today’s reauthorization means even more will be saved thanks to the commitment of America and its partners.”

On Special Immigrant Visas for our Afghan allies: “I am glad 12,000 more of our Afghan allies will be able to receive SIVs. After the Biden administration’s chaotic withdrawal abandoned our Afghan allies – leaving them vulnerable to reprisal and retribution from the Taliban – this administration must do all it can to protect those who valiantly worked alongside the United States. I am pleased that Congress is maintaining its support for bringing these individuals to safety.”

On conservation: “Republicans have a long history supporting conservation efforts dating back to President Roosevelt. I am glad this tradition continues and with the passage of today’s appropriations package, which includes funding for my bill to promote public-private partnerships that will strengthen conservation efforts and combat illicit wildlife hunting that benefits malign actors like the Chinese Communist Party. This will be a critically important tool in America’s toolkit to protect communities and ecosystems around the world.”


  • This week, H.R. 6727 passed out of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on a bipartisan basis, demonstrating strong congressional interest in supporting conservation efforts primarily driven by the private sector. 
