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Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul delivered the following remarks in support of H. Res. 965, which calls for the immediate release of Ryan Corbett, an American citizen wrongfully detained by the Taliban. In his remarks, Chairman McCaul urged President Biden to prioritize bringing Ryan home as his health deteriorates and he continues to be held in horrific conditions by Taliban terrorists. 


— Remarks as delivered —

On August 10, 2022, Ryan Corbett was detained by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Ryan Corbett is a loving husband to Anna, and father of three wonderful children—Ketsia, Miriam, and Caleb.

In two weeks, his oldest daughter graduates from high school.

And I have spent quite a bit of time with the family.

But instead of being home with his family right now, celebrating his daughter, he is suffering in a Taliban prison.

Ryan Corbett and his family lived in Afghanistan for over a decade. He supported humanitarian efforts and provided opportunities for the Afghan people.

He is a good man, who has dedicated his life to helping others.

He is not a criminal.

Despite pressure to act from the committee I chair – the House Foreign Affairs Committee – it took over a year for this administration to declare Ryan as wrongfully detained.

And, after constant engagement with this administration, the Corbett family has yet to receive any information regarding a plan to secure his release.  Many of these requests for meetings with high-level [Biden] administration officials have been repeatedly ignored.

This is unacceptable.

This administration must put a priority on bringing Ryan and other wrongfully detained Americans home now.

Ryan’s situation is dire.

Ryan’s wife, Anna, reports his mental and physical health have significantly deteriorated in recent months. 

The Taliban has refused to allow Ryan the voice to advocate for himself. He has only spoken to his wife a handful of times since he has been detained.

Ryan is being held in inhumane conditions, in a tiny cell with unreliable access to food and no ability to go outside.

He is fed only scraps to eat, and he has faced solitary confinement for weeks on end.

Ryan is facing serious medical conditions, experiencing seizures, and often fainting.

I want to assure Ryan’s wife Anna, along with his family, friends, and coworkers, that we will continue our fight every day until we bring him home.

As a father of five children myself, I cannot begin to imagine the pain and suffering Ryan’s family is feeling right now.

This Congress, and all Americans stand with Ryan.

That’s why I am proud to support this bipartisan resolution today that condemns the Taliban regime for its illegal imprisonment of Ryan and demands his immediate release.

It calls on the Biden administration to prioritize bringing all American citizens [home] who are wrongfully detained overseas.

The president must project strength on the world stage and secure the immediate release of Ryan.

Anything less is a failure of American leadership.
