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Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul delivered the following remarks at a full committee markup in support of H Res. 616, to express his support for the people of Afghanistan. During his remarks, Chairman McCaul emphasized the importance of working with our allies to pressure the Taliban to end its ceaseless human rights abuses against innocent Afghan men, women, and children. 


— Remarks as delivered — 

Afghanistan is facing a devastating humanitarian crisis under the tyrannical rule of the Taliban. 

Hard fought gains to advance women’s rights and promote democracy were wiped out by President Biden’s decision to unilaterally withdraw.

Today, Afghanistan is the most oppressive country in the world for women and girls.

Girls have been banned from attending school beyond sixth grade. Women are banned from working for [non-governmental organizations].  

We know for a fact that taxpayer funded aid is flowing to Taliban fighters and loyalists, rather than suffering Afghan women and children. 

We know the Taliban continues to hunt down those who worked with the United States and execute them.

We know the Taliban is oppressing religious minorities and brutally suppressing free speech and freedom of the press.

And we know the Taliban has brought back public executions and continues to harbor terrorists.

The U.S. must adamantly oppose these human rights abuses. 

And we must work with our friends and allies to pressure the Taliban to lift these barbaric edicts.

And it’s time we do everything we can to expedite [Special Immigrant Visas] applications and hold the Taliban to account for their crimes.

The people of Afghanistan must know that the United States stands behind them.

We will do everything we can to help in conjunction with the international community.

That is exactly what this resolution does.

I support this resolution.  
