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Singapore, Singapore — Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) landed in Singapore with a bipartisan congressional delegation to meet with senior defense officials at the 21st annual International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Shangri-La Dialogue. The bipartisan delegation includes Ranking Member Gregory W. Meeks, Subcommittee on the Indo-Pacific Chairwoman Young Kim (R-CA), Subcommittee on Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia Chairman Joe Wilson (R-SC), and Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT). While there, the delegation will meet with government ministers and senior defense officials, as well as business leaders and security experts, to discuss developing security challenges in the Asia-Pacific region and the world. 

“As we witness multiple hot spots of global conflicts, I am pleased to be part of this annual security forum with Philippine President Marcos delivering the keynote address. The U.S. seeks a region free of aggression and a world that respects territorial integrity, allowing countries to flourish and pursue their interests safe from intimidation and coercion by the Chinese Communist Party. I look forward to engaging in important bilateral talks on the region’s most pressing security challenges and deepening bilateral and regional partnerships including successful initiatives like AUKUS.”
