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Washington, D.C. — House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul issued the following statement on President Biden’s signing of S. 138, the Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act, which was signed into law on Saturday, July 13th. This legislation reaffirms it is U.S. policy that the people of Tibet have their own unique culture and religion. Last month, the chairman led a congressional delegation to India, sparking anger from China, to highlight the bipartisan support in the U.S. Congress for Tibet just days after the House-version of this bill passed the House.

“Despite the administration’s failure to take a position on recognizing any future Dalai Lama or implementing the Tibet Policy Act of 2002, I’m extremely pleased President Biden signed this bill into law. The CCP will stop at nothing to undermine and erase Tibetan culture and strip the Tibetan people of their right to self-determination. It was my honor to lead a bipartisan delegation to India to meet with His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, and affirm America’s unwavering commitment to Tibet. We cannot let the CCP push its tyrannical agenda to wipe cultures off the map as it sees fit. I was proud to co-introduce this bipartisan bill that empowers Tibet and the international community to stand up for justice and peace.”

Background: In addition to reaffirming American support for the Tibetan peoples’ unique culture and right to self-determination, S. 138 also:

  • Enhances U.S. support for Tibet by working to counter Chinese disinformation; and
  • Pushes for negotiations without preconditions between the CCP and Tibet to end their longstanding dispute.
