Chairman Rohrabacher on the Hearing: “In the wake of the June 28th terrorist attack on the Istanbul Airport, I extend my sincerest condolences to the families of those who were killed. The United States stands with the people of Turkey as they continue to experience the pain and loss of innocent life at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.

As they contend with this death cult mentality, I call on the Turkish leadership to respect the fundamental rights of all of its citizens. I am concerned that Turkey is on the wrong track and is squandering the incredible progress that it has made towards a democratic society.

While it is right for the United States government to do everything it can to work with Turkish authorities, recent actions by the Turkish President to single out and officially label the movement of Fethullah Gulen as a terrorist group is counterproductive. Likewise, ongoing efforts to marginalize the Kurds, limit media freedom and weaken Turkey’s judiciary should ring alarm bells around the world.”

Opening Statements


Henri J. Barkey, Ph.D.
Middle East Program
The Wilson Center
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Fevzi Bilgin, Ph.D.
Rethink Institute
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Mr. Alan Makovsky
Senior Fellow
Center for American Progress
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]


Hearing transcript (PDF)