Opening Statements

Chairman Smith’s Opening Statement:


Chairman Smith Questions Witnesses:

Panel I

Robert F. Ichord, Jr., Ph.D.
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Bureau of Energy Resources
U.S. Department of State
[full text of statement]

The Honorable Eric G. Postel
Assistant to the Administrator
Bureau for Africa
U.S. Agency for International Development
[full text of statement]

Mr. Jonathan Elkind
Acting Assistant Secretary
Office of International Affairs
U.S. Department of Energy
[full text of statement]

Panel II

Mr. Walker A. Williams
President and Chief Executive Officer
Leadership Africa USA
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Ms. Dianne R. Sutherland
Owner and Publisher
Petroleum Africa Magazine
(Appearing via videoconference)
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Hearing transcript (PDF)


Additional information supplied by Assistant Administrator Eric Postel after the printing of the hearing transcript