Opening Statements

Chairman Poe’s Opening Statement:


Panel I

The Honorable Joe Barton
United States House of Representatives
[full text of statement]

The Honorable Michael McCaul
United States House of Representatives
[full text of statement]

Panel II

Mr. Jason Grumet
Founder and President
Bipartisan Policy Center
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Ms. Elizabeth Rosenberg
Energy, Economics, and Security Program
Center for a New American Security
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Mr. Jason Bordoff
Founding Director
Center on Global Energy Policy
Columbia University
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Mr. Stephen Kretzmann
Founder and Executive Director
Oil Change International
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Hearing transcript (PDF)