It’s been 40 years since the United States established diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China and began four decades of engagement, which some hoped would induce democratic change and responsible international participation.  But under General Secretary Xi Jinping, China has taken a sharply totalitarian turn at home and adopted a much more ambitious foreign policy. Today, the Chinese Communist Party under Xi represents the greatest long term threat to American prosperity and the global primacy of democratic governance and universal freedoms. The United States must compete with Xi and the Party at home and abroad, and this hearing  will inform the Committee’s efforts.

Opening Statements

Lead Republican McCaul (R-TX)

full text of opening statement


Elizabeth Economy, Ph.D.
C. V. Starr Senior Fellow and Director for Asia Studies
Council on Foreign Relations

[full text of statement]

Ms. Samm Sacks
Cybersecurity Policy and China Digital Economy Fellow
New America

[full text of statement]

Ms. Kelly Magsamen
Vice President, National Security and International Policy
Center for American Progress
(Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs)

[full text of statement]

Aaron Friedberg, Ph.D.
Professor of Politics and International Affairs
Co-Director of the Woodrow Wilson School’s Center for International Security Studies
Princeton University
(Former Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs in the Office of the Vice President)

[full text of statement]