This morning on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Chairman Royce commended the administration’s decision to impose sanctions on Russia for its chemical attack in the United Kingdom. Chairman Royce—through letters he sent on March 15 and July 26—called on the administration to take this action under the Chemical and Biological Weapons and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991. Below are the video and a few key excerpts.

“[T]he use by the Russian intelligence services of nerve agents on foreign soil is outrageous. It has to stop. …I frankly think that when someone is trying to undermine other countries and carrying out deadly assaults like this, to say nothing of trying to undermine our upcoming elections, … we’ve got to send a message back. And we’ve sent a strong message here.

“[I]t’s important that we maintain this kind of pressure in order to deter any other nation that might … use a chemical [or] biological weapon on U.S. soil or on our allies’ soil.

“… [T]his is the right decision to deploy these sanctions on Russia.”