Washington D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Lead Republican Michael McCaul (R-TX) delivered the following opening statement at today’s full committee markup on H.Res 543, H.R. 3289, H.R. 4270, H.Res. 517, H.Res. 387, H.Res. 552, and H.Res. 521. Key highlights below:

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-Remarks as Delivered- 

“I want to start by thanking you, Chairman Engel, for your work on House Resolution 517, supporting the Global Fund, which I am proud to be the lead Republican on this effort. It’s vitally important. As you mentioned, the cuts were unacceptable. I think you and I standing together to fully fund this global health fund. Right now, in the United Nations, the assembly is in New York right now, and there will be a global health conference in Lyon, France in October. I think this important piece of legislation will send a strong message to the world that we intend to fully fund it and we also want full participation from other countries.

“Today, we will consider three very important Hong Kong measures. Last week, I was proud to have joined Speaker Pelosi, and you sir, Mr. Engel, Congressmen Smith, the author of the bill, and Jim McGovern, and several Hong Kong pro-democracy activists to denounce China’s authoritarian brutality. 

“I said it then and I’ll say it again, today we stand not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans united in our strong support for Hong Kong.  And as I said at the press conference, directly to the people of Hong Kong, America stands with you and we will always support you. We hear you sing our national anthem, and we see you carrying our American flag. This is a battle between democracy versus dictatorship, liberty versus tyranny, and freedom versus oppression.

“I’m pleased that today we will consider, Mr. Smith’s Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, which sends a message to China that there will be consequences to their ruthless and brutal actions.  This Committee, this Congress, and the United States and the world will not stand by idly as the Chinese Communist Party fights for its self and not its people. I know we read many reports coming out of China after a press conference and I’m sure we’ll hear many today. I wear that as a badge of honor.

“I would also like to highlight House Resolution 521, which I introduced with my good friend Chairman Engel. This resolution commends Canada for upholding the rule of law regarding the extradition of Huawei Technology’s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou. It also expresses concern with China’s retaliatory and hostile actions against Canadian citizens detained in China.

“China’s hostage diplomacy is abhorrent. Canadian citizens Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor have been detained in China since last year without due process and have been subjected to harsh conditions such as limited consular access, no attorney representation, and lengthy interrogations. Meanwhile, Ms. Meng has received proper treatment in Canadian custody, with all her legal, health, and other needs attended to, and is currently released on bail—what a difference in the two criminal justice systems. I commend Canada and regret that Canadian citizens are paying the price of China’s malfeasance. Canada’s citizens must be released immediately.

“Finally, we all need to remember that Huawei is supported by the Chinese government and is responsive to its leaders.  Our data is not safe or secure on their systems and I appreciate Australia, and I was at the embassy last weekend with the Prime Minister, and other countries who have pushed back against Huawei.”
