Washington, DC – Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul met with Masih Alinejad, U.S. citizen and reporter, who was the target of a foiled kidnapping plot by the Iranian regime on sovereign U.S. soil. A statement from Lead Republican McCaul on the meeting and the recent violent response by the regime to protests in Iran is below.

“I was honored to meet with Masih Alinejad today and hear about her inspiring efforts to advocate for human rights for the people of Iran. It is outrageous the Iranian regime tried to kidnap her, a U.S. citizen, from our soil. This is another reason why the Administration should not be picking up JCPOA negotiations where they left off. Turning a blind eye to this outrageous plot sends a terrible signal to the rest of the world and most of all to Iran, the number one state sponsor of terror.

“I am also deeply concerned by the regime’s violent response to the ongoing protests in Iran, including shutting down the internet in affected areas. The United States must stand strongly in favor of freedom of expression and association in Iran, just as we do in other parts of the world. The Administration’s interest in the JCPOA must not undermine our commitment to human rights.”
