Washington, D.C. – Recently, Congressman Michael McCaul, Lead Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released an interim report on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, the Chinese Communist Party unleashed their propaganda machine to try and defend the CCP’s actions that led to the COVID-19 pandemic outlined by McCaul in the report. 

The Chinese Communist Party is on the Defense

Once the report was released, the Global Times, a CCP-controlled propaganda outlet, immediately went on the attack. In an article published the day after McCaul released the report, the Global Times called the report “radical” while claiming other countries understood “the effectiveness of the China’s epidemic prevention and control.”

In a press conference last week, China National Radio, another CCP-controlled propaganda outlet, asked CCP Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian about the report in what was clearly a question planted to give Lijian an opportunity to once again attack the report. Lijian grabbed at the opportunity to parrot CCP talking points, saying:

“This so-called report by a certain US Congressman spreads disinformation in an attempt to smear China and deflect the US government’s responsibility for incompetent response. It is nothing but another clumsy farce directed by anti-China forces in the US.”

One of the key findings of the report was that the CCP never actually alerted the WHO of the outbreak within their country as they have claimed publicly for months.

Notably, Lijian did not mention this previously used talking point that the CCP notified the WHO on Dec. 31st, seeming to back down.

The Interim Report in the News  

McCaul Discusses Interim Report on America This Week with Eric BollingWatch Here

Top Headlines

“House GOP accuses China, WHO of ‘failure of monumental proportions’ in spread of coronavirus.”

Fox News

“House GOP Report Calls for WHO Firings and Reforms to Prevent Next Pandemic”

The Washington Examiner

“House GOP Report Finds WHO ‘Complicit’ in Beijing’s COVID Coverup, Calls for Director Tedros’s Ouster”

     – National Review

The Republican Party of the House of Representatives Released the First Investigation Report on the New Crown Virus, Detailing the CCP’s Hidden Epidemic”

  – Voice of America China (Story in Mandarin)

“A report this week by Republican members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee details how Beijing’s deliberate coverup made the pandemic worse from the beginning to this day.”

  – The Washington Post

“GOP Report: Chinese Leaders Knew About Pandemic Weeks Before Announced, Could Have Been Prevented”

 – Breitbart

“Coronavirus Pandemic ‘Could Have Been Prevented’ If Not For China’s Coronavirus Cover-Up, House GOP Report Finds”

 – The Daily Caller

“On Monday, House Republicans called for new leadership at the WHO in a report into the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic that criticized China and the WHO’s handling of the outbreak, and urged the U.S. to remain in the organization.”

 – The Wall Street Journal
