Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, announced the Committee will convene a hearing on Friday, March 14 to examine the progress made in U.S.-Taiwan relations over the past 35 years.   The hearing entitled, “The Promise of the Taiwan Relations Act” will begin at 9:30 a.m.

The hearing follows the Chairman’s recent introduction of H. Res. 494, a resolution that reaffirms U.S. commitment to the Taiwan Relations Act, passed by Congress 35 years ago.  Specifically, the resolution reaffirms support for Taiwan’s democratic institutions, peace in the Taiwan Strait, and deepening U.S.-Taiwan trade and security relations.

Chairman Royce on the hearing:  “Taiwan is a beacon of hope and democracy in a part of the world that is still yearning for more freedom, more respect for human rights, and more rule of law.  Making sure that Taiwan is part of the broader international trading system is critical to Taiwan’s future.  This hearing will focus on the progress made in U.S.-Taiwan relations since the enactment of the Taiwan Relations Act in 1979, the need for greater inclusion of Taiwan in international organizations, how to bolster bilateral trade, and challenges in Cross-Strait relations.”

Note: Last month, the Chairman led a bipartisan delegation to Taiwan.   This was the Chairman’s second visit to Taiwan in the past 13 months.  Last year, President Obama signed into law legislation authored by Chairman Royce which, for the first time since 1976, helps Taiwan participate in the United Nations International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).  Chairman Royce’s legislation is the first Taiwan-specific law in more than a decade.


Hearing: “The Promise of the Taiwan Relations Act”


9:30 a.m. on Friday, March 14 


2172 Rayburn House Office Building


Mr. Kin Moy
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
U.S. Department of State

***See foreignaffairs.house.gov for updates. 

***Coverage note:  All Foreign Affairs Committee proceedings are webcast live at foreignaffairs.house.gov/live-video-feed.
