McCaul Responds to Report Alleging U.S. Company Gave Critical Tech to CCP-Backed Entities
Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul released a statement in response to reports of allegations that U.S. company Synopsys gave critical technology to CCP-backed companies Huawei and SMIC.
“If critical technology was transferred to two blacklisted CCP companies, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) needs to answer to Congress immediately. Companies are either willfully breaking the law or BIS’ policies are so riddled with holes that they are failing to fulfill the Department of Commerce’s national security mission.
“Rather than calling out bad behavior after technology is transferred, we need to keep it out of China and stop certain joint ventures before they damage our national and economic security. One of my priorities as a China legislation conferee will be to address these outbound investment and technology transfer issues that are core to our competition with China.”