McCaul on Fox News Sunday: “I’ve said all along, Biden will have blood on his hands.”
Washington, D.C.- House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul joined Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday to discuss President Biden’s catastrophic failure of leadership in Afghanistan.
On President Biden’s Failed Leadership
“I’ve said all along this president has blood on his hands. And this week, this last week, we had 13 servicemen and women come home in flag-draped coffins at Dover Airbase. This problem is going to get worse, not better.”
On the Current Attempts to Get Americans & Afghan Partners Out
“We have…airplanes with American citizens [manifested] on them as I speak, also with these interpreters and the Taliban is holding them hostage for demands right now. State has cleared these flights. And the Taliban will not let them leave the airport.”
“The Taliban had a perimeter around the [Kabul] airport itself. The interpreters couldn’t get through that perimeter. Most Americans did, but…the State Department wholly failed in this evacuation. And we had to rely on groups like Task Force Pineapple and Dunkirk – who I implore the State Department to work with to help get these Americans and interpreters left behind out.”
On the Terror Threat from Afghanistan
“When our embassy went down, we went dark. We have no eyes and ears in country…This is a major national security threat…This over the horizon capability is greatly exaggerated [by the Biden Administration] because we don’t have anything near Afghanistan. It’s a landlocked country surrounded by our enemies – Russia, China, Iran, all of whom have now been emboldened by this foreign policy blunder.”