H.R. 6986, Protecting Human Rights During Pandemic Act

H.R. 7990, FENTANYL Results Act

H.R. 7673, Represent America Abroad Act

H.Res. 1012, Recognizing the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean war and the transformation of the United States – Korea alliance into a mutually beneficial, global partnership

H.Res. 697, Recognizing the significance of the genuine autonomy of Tibet and the Tibetan people and the work His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has done to promote global peace, harmony, and understanding

H.Res. 1100, Reaffirming the strategic partnership between the United States and Mongolia and observing the 30th anniversary of democracy in Mongolia

H.Res. 751, Reaffirming the partnership between the United States and the African Union and recognizing the importance of diplomatic, security, and trade relations

H.Res. 1077, Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives on the continued importance of the United States – Lebanon relationship

H.R. 8409, Department of State Student Internship Program Act

H.Res. 672, Expressing support of the Three Seas Initiative in its efforts to increase energy independence and infrastructure connectivity thereby strengthening the United States and European national security

H.Res. 17, Expressing concern over the detention of Austin Tice, and for other purposes

H.R. 4507, Protection of Saudi Dissidents Act

H.Res. 823, Condemning the Government of Iran’s state-sponsored persecution of its Baha’i minority and its continued violation of the International Covenants on Human Rights

H.Res. 996, Expressing the sense of Congress that the activities of Russian national Yevgeniy Prigozhin and his affiliated entities pose a threat to the national interests and security of the United States and of its allies and partners

H.Res. 958, Condemning the practice of politically motivated imprisonment and calling for the immediate release of political prisoners in the Russian Federation and urging action by the United States Government to impose sanctions with respect to persons responsible for that form of human rights abuse

H.R. 8428, Hong Kong People’s Freedom and Choice Act of 2020

H.R. 8405, American Values and Security in International Athletics Act

H.R. 8259, To prohibit Russian participation in the G7, and for other purposes

H.Res. 825, Recognizing the importance of entry into force of the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)

H.R. 4636, Partnering and Leveraging Assistance to Stop Trash for International Cleaner Seas Act

H.Res. 1121, Urging the Government of Burma to hold free, fair, inclusive, transparent, participatory, and credible elections on November 8, 2020.

H.Res. 1115, Calling for the immediate release of Trevor Reed, a United States citizen who was unjustly sentenced to 9 years in a Russian prison.

H.Res. 768, Calling on African governments to protect and promote human rights through internet freedom and digital integration for all citizens across the continent of Africa

H.Res. 1150, Urging the Government of Côte d’Ivoire, opposition leaders, and all citizens to respect democratic principles, refrain from violence, and hold free, fair, transparent, and peaceful elections in October 2020.

H.Res. 1145, Condemning the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny and calling for a robust United States and international response

H.R. 4326, Sex Trafficking Demand Reduction Act

H.R. 7954, Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Conservation Reauthorization Act of 2020

H.R. 8438, to reauthorize the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004