Washington D.C. – Today, Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Lead Republican of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, appeared live on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” with Ed Henry and Sandra Smith to provide an update on the U.S. response to coronavirus. Key highlights are below.

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On the Families First Coronavirus Response Act: “I will say the version Nancy Pelosi dropped at the Rules Committee versus what we voted on the floor changed dramatically. That’s because Secretary Mnuchin and the White House were able to negotiate a far better bill on this issue. What it does, Ed, it gets testing out to everyone in America who needs it free of cost. This is not a time to wait around. We need action right now from Congress. This provides unemployment insurance and it provides school meals to kids who can’t go to school. 

On practicing social distancing: The social distancing factor is probably the most important element we need to talk about to keep this curve flat. The next two months are critical with this disease as we saw in South Korea and Italy, two different models. We want to follow the South Korea model. More testing and flattening this curve so we don’t have cases increase.

On travel restrictions: Well, I don’t think the President is getting enough credit for shutting down [foreign nationals] coming in from China. Right out of the box he said they could not come into the United States. Americans are in a different position. He also screened passengers from South Korea, Italy and now a travel ban on Europe. These are aggressive tactics, but they are necessary to protect the American people. 

On treatment progress: Two more positive things that came out recently that I hope give the markets more reassurance. Anti-virals, three are being tested in China on patients that have shown great promise. We are getting a report in April about that. And the first clinical trial vaccine is being tested today in Seattle, Washington. It will still take a year to finalize that. That’s some positive news. We have to reassure the markets this won’t spiral out of control. That’s why [the Families First Coronavirus Response Act] is important to pass. It will give certainty to markets and provide testing.
