Washington, D.C. – Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX), Lead Republican of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, appeared live on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” with Bill Hemmer and “The Story” with  Martha McCallum to discuss the latest news on impeachment and the recent developments in Turkey and Syria. Key highlights below: 

Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” with Bill Hemmer

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On the temporary ceasefire: “It’s a five-day temporary ceasefire, which should be followed by a permanent ceasefire. The Vice President called me last night to give me all the details of the negotiation. We certainly hope this works. I know there were some skirmishes this morning in Turkey; on the border of Turkey and Syria. We have a sanctions bill, both I do in the House and in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as well, that we’re prepared to move forward with if this ceasefire does not work, but we certainly want to give it a chance to see if peace can be accomplished in this region.”

On Democrats’ secretive impeachment process: “All we’re asking for is that historical precedent be followed, that we follow the same rules that we did under Nixon and Clinton, the minority be given subpoena power, and that the White House Counsel be in the room, and at least have a vote on the House floor. So it defies democracy, going forward in the most secret room in the Capitol, and all Adam Schiff is doing right now is building a secret record in his SCIF in a one-sided process to move forward towards impeachment. I think it’s a very unfair process.”

Fox News’ “The Story” with Martha McCallum

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On maintaining a residual force in Syria: “I have my concerns on a withdrawal from Syria, particularly as it pertains to protecting the homeland. My number one position was that, look, after we got out of Iraq, as you know Martha, 10,000 troops and ISIS reared its ugly head and the caliphate was formed. I didn’t want to see the same thing happen in Syria. In the meantime, I have a sanctions bill that I’ve introduced with Chairman Eliot Engel and I know the Senate, our counterparts, have introduced the bill as well. If [the ceasefire] fails, our sanctions will go forward.”

On brokering a peace deal in the region: “Well they’re a NATO ally, but I don’t like [Erdogan’s] style of leadership, I think he’s trying to return Turkey to the Ottoman Empire. The fact that he bought Russian military equipment, the S-400, which tracks our F-35, I think this speaks volumes about what kind of alliance we have. But we do have Incirlik airbase there, so it’s a tricky alliance right now, and I think we have to work with him to resolve this issue in Syria. Secretary Pompeo is traveling to Europe with our coalition partners to try to reach some sort of stabilization agreement in Syria.”
