Washington D.C. – Yesterday, Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX), Lead Republican of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Representative Eliot Engel (D-NY), the Committee’s Chairman, introduced legislation to enhance U.S.-Ukraine security cooperation and better equip our ally in effective deterrence from Russia’s continued aggression. The U.S.-Ukraine Security Cooperation Enhancement Act provides specific lethal military assistance including anti-tank, anti-ship, and anti-aircraft defense systems for Ukraine to defend its independence and prevent further encroachment by Russia on its territorial boundaries.


Lead Republican McCaul: “Vladmir Putin will stop at nothing to sow discord around the world and undermine the credibility of democratic institutions. Beyond attempting to interfere in our elections, Russia has worked to weaken Ukraine’s sovereignty through repeated physical attacks, strategic disinformation campaigns, and a complete disregard for the country’s territorial integrity. I have traveled to Ukraine and been on the front lines of Putin’s hybrid war where Russia tests its new cyber weapons and tactics. The United States must maintain a decisive and forceful approach to confront Putin’s belligerent behavior and send a strong message that we will not stand by while Russia threatens our allies. By continuing to provide security assistance to Ukraine that furthers its implementation of defense reforms and achievement of NATO interoperability, we can better equip our ally with sophisticated lethal weapons to defend itself and deter Russian aggression. As the world’s lead defender of freedom, the United States must employ all tools necessary to protect our shared values. I look forward to working with Chairman Engel and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass this legislation to support our ally Ukraine.”


Chairman Engel: “In the face of unrelenting Russian aggression, the Ukrainian people have shown extraordinary resolve and commitment to democracy. The U.S. must continue to support them with effective security assistance and tougher sanctions on Russia, Putin, and his oligarchs as long as these assaults against Ukraine continue. I’m pleased to join with Ranking Member McCaul on this legislation to enhance the U.S.-Ukraine security partnership.” 


Specifically, the U.S.-Ukraine Security Cooperation Enhancement Act:

  • Amends previous NDAA statute by increasing specific lethal military assistance to Ukraine.
  • Provides anti-tank, anti-ship, and anti-aircraft defense systems to the Ukrainians, as well as other necessary defense articles to defend its independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity against Russian aggression.
  • Requests the Secretary of State to submit a report to Congress that reviews U.S. security assistance to Ukraine, including areas of need for Ukraine to effectively deter Russian aggression.
  • Advises the President to determine, if appropriate, whether Ukraine should be designated a Major Non-NATO Ally until it achieves accession as a NATO member state.

