Watch the discussion live HERE.

Washington, D.C. – Today at 9 a.m. ET, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) will sit down with American Enterprise Institute’s Danielle Pletka ahead of President Obama’s final State of the Union Address to discuss the need for American leadership to defend and advance freedom, security, and free markets both at home and abroad. 

Chairman Royce will tackle topics including:

  • How can the Islamic State and al Qaeda be defeated — both militarily and ideologically?
  • How can China be persuaded to stop its attempts to redraw the rules in the Western Pacific and in cyberspace?
  • How can Russian President Vladimir Putin be convinced to respect the sovereignty of Moscow’s neighbors and reverse Russia’s drift away from the community of nations?
  • How can the United States prevent Iran from using sanctions relief from the nuclear deal to support Hezbollah and the murderous reign of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad?

Watch the discussion live HERE.

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