Washington, D.C. – Representative Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) issued the following statement in response to the release of President Obama’s proposed budget.

“President Obama’s proposed budget is yet another plan to raise taxes on hard working Americans without adequately addressing our nation’s out of control spending. Despite the President securing massive revenue increases in the deal to avoid the fiscal cliff, he is now asking for an additional $1.1 trillion in new taxes. Last month’s dismal jobs report was a clear sign that increasing tax burdens to fund an over-reaching bureaucracy doesn’t create jobs or provide the jumpstart our economy so desperately needs.

“Creating an environment that encourages small businesses to grow and hire is the only path towards reinvigorating our stagnant economy. That’s why I joined my colleagues in the House of Representatives in passing a budget that would cut $5.7 trillion in spending, balance the budget in ten years, and provide relief to our nation’s small businesses. America needs a balanced budget that creates jobs and spurs economic growth, not one that grows the government by adding onerous regulations. It’s time for Washington to get out of the way of small businesses and let Americans get back to work.”
