House Passes Bill Highlighting Importance of U.S.-Korea-Japan Trilateral Relationship
Washington, D.C. – Today, the House of Representatives passed H. Res. 634, legislation recognizing the importance of the United States-Republic of Korea-Japan trilateral relationship to counter North Korean threats and nuclear proliferation. By passing this legislation, introduced by Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ), the House has not only condemned North Korea’s continued belligerence, but has also helped ensure regional security and human rights.
On the House floor prior to the vote, Chairman Royce delivered the following remarks (as prepared for delivery):
“I rise in support of H.Res.634, Recognizing the importance of the United States-Republic of Korea-Japan trilateral relationship to counter North Korean threats and nuclear proliferation, and to ensure regional security and human rights.
With North Korea’s continued bellicose rhetoric and belligerent actions, it is critical that we stand with our Korean and Japanese allies to ensure the stability of the Asia-Pacific. H.Res.634 expresses strong support for not only increased trilateral cooperation, but for the deployment of the missile defense system THAAD, which will be deployed late next year.
Importantly, this bill states that, “a strong United States-Republic of Korea-Japan trilateral relationship is a stabilizing force for peace and security in the region, with capabilities to combat future provocations from North Korea.” Today, with an ever more belligerent North Korea, this partnership has never been more critical.
As we know, only weeks ago, the Kim regime test-fired a submarine-launched ballistic missile. Although the missile traveled only 310 miles, in the direction of Japan, Pyongyang is one step closer to being able to target any site in the Pacific. Our governments rightly stood side-by-side condemning the act.
Mr. Speaker, our defense cooperation with South Korea and Japan is strong, but we must remain vigilant. While there are a seemingly inexhaustible number of threats around the world, Navy Admiral Harry Harris Jr., commander of PACOM, was correct when he identified North Korea and Kim Jong Un as the greatest threat to Asia, the Pacific, and the United States.”