Chairman Smith on the Hearing: “This hearing will examine the human rights situation in Cuba, where it seems disregard for civil and political rights has gotten worse, not better, since the President visited the Island.  The regime continues to jail and beat political dissidents, with even extrajudicial killings apparently sanctioned.  That we are holding it on July 13 is significant, as it is the anniversary of the tugboat massacre of 1994, when 37 victims, including 11 children, were killed by the regime.  The Obama Administration cannot allow concerns over its ‘legacy’ to muffle its voice when it should be insisting that the rights of the Cuban people be respected.”


Oscar Elias Biscet, M.D.
Lawton Foundation for Human Rights
(Former Cuban political prisoner)
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Ms. Sirley Avila Leon
Democracy Advocate
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Ms. Maria Werlau
Free Society Project
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Mr. Geoff Thale
Program Director
Washington Office on Latin America
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]


Hearing transcript (PDF)