Chairman Duncan on the hearing: “This hearing will examine the Administration’s FY2016 budget request, which gives nearly $2 billion for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and represents a whopping 35% increase over the FY2014 funding level. Some of the dubious priorities the Administration has for the region include $6.6 million to implement the U.S.-Cuba policy shift by converting the U.S. Interests Section in Havana into a full U.S. Embassy, $1 billion for Central America (225% more than the FY2014 funding level), and $75.5 million for climate change programs. In contrast, total U.S. security assistance for the region would decline by about $4 million under the Administration’s request. I look forward to conducting vigorous oversight of the State Department and USAID’s funding priorities and holding these agencies accountable by eliminating any mismanagement or waste in their operations, terminating programs that aren’t working and applying those funds to the deficit, and ensuring that any U.S. foreign assistance given to countries in the region advances U.S. national security and economic interests.”


The Honorable Roberta S. Jacobson
Assistant Secretary
Bureau for Western Hemisphere Affairs
U.S. Department of State
[full text of statement]

Ms. Elizabeth Hogan
Acting Assistant Administrator
Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean
U.S. Agency for International Development
[full text of statement]

Hearing transcript (PDF)